Saturday 15 August 2009

up to 16/08/09


Guitar Hero - working on FC'ing hard on 2 and 3.
Trane and LSD - incorporating states of consciousness onto the musical chart (as spirit/awareness, under intention and peak performance)
Becoming aware that the story is just that inside the perceptual mental filter.
First impressions, and seeking beyond them.
Reading 'Good News About Injustice' and 'Irresistible Revolution'. I am inspired to work with the homeless and downtrodden and eliminate EVEN MORE stuff that isn't beautiful or useful.
It's my belief that faith is the ultimate feeling of attraction.
How often do you look at the ceiling? Make it worthwhile.
Alien-esque biomechanical house design!
Zoos are cages for both man AND beast. Houses are our zoos.
Terence McKenna on the IPod. Amazing.
Gojira's To Sirius. The lesson is to take care.
Skanky bitches!
Michelle MacPherson - a great SEO resource.
Rules of great drummers - ears, diversity, responsibility and respect, prompt professional clarity. no showboating. emotion. work ethic.
Card counting. Fascinating.
LUSH cosmetics - superb.
TATTOOS - Coexist - phoenix - mentality collage.
Being your OWN MAN.
Hiding things in plain view.
People want to be understood.
'Orphan', 'Star Wars'.
FINGER OF GOD - the DVD. Remarkable.
Full on DETOX routine, done fully and daily: Gym, diet, physical cleanses, breathing, thoughts, grooming, EFT, bath/massage, sleep.
Personal management - time (worklog), productivity (effectiveness/efficiency), physical organization, location/priority = going greased. Sensuality, lack of friction, adventure, creativity, and flow are the deepest rewards.
Eric Amaranth's blog - terrific.
Personal daily approach - keeping it simple, radical (ie, 'root' driven!), and avoiding mental suckback in the process. The basics are the only things that matter.
Most importantly - finding courage in fear and beauty in weakness. The means to overcome lie within the question.
Personal philosophy - distorted sensory reality, programmed language and self, imminent death, dead ideas from institutions, you're on your own, there are no rules, so this is for glory.
SUCCESS - 10 years action learning. feedback, crosspollination, free contribution, price tag, elevator pitch.

PROBLEMS - Cold, fatigue, posture - headnoise, integration, boredom - illness - debt - fear - libido, passion, and then closing the outside gap
The answers are self evident here!

MUSICAL IDEAS: R2 D2 sounds - improv over Destiny's Child's 'Survivor'. - just listening to more music!!
IMPASSE phrasing. In the solo, the odd times + triplets+ odd rhythmic groupings + high to low + effects/embellishments, over the chord progressions, moving into meaningful emotion, leads to almost a recipe for lyricism (since there's no static landing point). Elaborate on them.