Tuesday 17 August 2010


Watched Mulholland Drive in the sauna - amazing film. Wanted to watch Blue Velvet again. 70 minutes at 56 degrees led to me floating but thin. Good stuff. Better than Inception in my opinion - or most other films of this ilk. Surreal bedroom!

Not smelling brain tumour smells anymore. Perfect health.

Was radically honest today. Felt alive. Talked to Sophia about it - felt terrific and happy. You know that you've manifested something - because you are where you are. Intimacy turns me on - so does success. I've been getting in my own way because I hate myself. Always tell the truth.

5*'d 3 more on GH Metallica. Down to 6 songs left on that one now. Gradual progress on CBT - 93% on 90. Anything plastic!

Dafnis Prieto is God. Play like him!

ACCIDENTALLY MADE A SALE ON CLICK BANK. - Asked for my LCF login page and details back. Good call Garth (good call Wayne). It took 155 dollars to make 40. But it was worth it. 2k a day there!

Investigated social networking for spiritual growth - IT ONLY WORKS WHEN YOU'RE ALIGNED. Align and steal from everyone!

Fight.Keep fit. You're on your own. Work hard.
Check back here every month. If you're not scared, you're not working hard enough.

Monday 16 August 2010


Watched Sunset Boulevard. Tremendous.
Things I liked - opening shot - comparing Hollywood to a 'murder scene'. The emotional turnaround by the end is big enough to make you forget, for it to be a surprise again.
Sober narration - infused with a wry cynicism.
The main character is the 'everyman', an archetype that the audience can get hooked on - financial difficulty being a very strong point of identification - even for just 300 bucks. Relief when he turns up at Norma Desmond's house.
Sheldrake and his 'set of ulcers' - no one gets away clean. Believable.
Honesty of the female lead - again an archetype of the optimism of the young that Hollywood destroys.
Use of contemporary events to increase realism ('naked and the dead', 'gone with the wind'.
Narration continues at a steady pace whilst the plot thickens and plays on emotional involvement.
Use of mystery and the unexplained - melodramatic lead performance. Subtle musical embellishment and cinematography - wide open sets.
Gradual building up of subtext and tension.
The use of the 'new years scene' to provide a relative contrast on 'reality'
Sly humour and knowingness that this is a reflection upon the grand culmination of all of Western civilization and it's ultimate failure and futility - the descent into radical honesty.
The horror organ is great - plus the 'waxworks' and the pool and the monkey and the Chaplin impression with the out of tune piano, the lighting during Max's revelation - very eerie.
Exactly like Miss Havisham.
This film is totally fat free - everything leads into everything else. It all follows the emotional beats that are set up and is utterly relevant, right up until the point where it's spelt out. The actors know this, and play it just the right side of melodrama. The subtle inferring of Joe whoring out his services never has to be shown like it is nowadays, because it's all about the gaping hole in these people's characters and their desperate attempts to plug the hole before they go down with the ship.

Monday 9 August 2010


Did 8 hours of Mobile Monopoly work, plus 2 hours on the Ultimate Sales Machine. Plus saw Toy Story 3 and had a quick Scrabble game. This was probably the best productive day I've ever had, and I'll do it again tomorrow. 6am start.

Friday 6 August 2010


Sauna'd and watched 2 hours of Curb.
Then played Beatles Rock Band - 2 sightread FCs.
In between, went to the sauna and saw the Olympic swimming team. Contemplated how there was nothing I have to do. Contemplated the vast openness of what that means for my own intuition. A life without any stress. A life where you trust God.
That also means a life without fear of death. Something I have expertly blocked in myself. Grief, anger and depression have been the orders of the day.

Life seems to be me blindfolded on a boat with monkeys who either want to fuck and eat everything, and there's a bomb that's set to go off at any moment.
So how do you defuse the bomb?

Oh, that marketing video was scary.
But here are the stats - send Budwig 350 to the 17th, save up 140 for Suffolk, send in 360 to moneybookers. 6-8 weeks.
Get bonuses - 6-8 weeks. 5-8000 pounds.
Start trading - up to 50k a year - 6-8 months.

No Facebook, Imdb/Digg/Digsby/DR/LB/unlisted shit/YouTube (except for music)
1xGmail, GTD
LOTS of calling, GH, inbox, MD

Thursday 5 August 2010


Life as business.
Financial plan.
Practical spirituality plan.
The emotional component against all of these is EVERYTHING.

Tuesday 3 August 2010


Watched Top Gun - crap. Tom Cruise is smooth though.
Finished the DdA material.
Reading the Ultimate Sales Machine. INCREDIBLE. Run my life like a business.