Friday 6 August 2010


Sauna'd and watched 2 hours of Curb.
Then played Beatles Rock Band - 2 sightread FCs.
In between, went to the sauna and saw the Olympic swimming team. Contemplated how there was nothing I have to do. Contemplated the vast openness of what that means for my own intuition. A life without any stress. A life where you trust God.
That also means a life without fear of death. Something I have expertly blocked in myself. Grief, anger and depression have been the orders of the day.

Life seems to be me blindfolded on a boat with monkeys who either want to fuck and eat everything, and there's a bomb that's set to go off at any moment.
So how do you defuse the bomb?

Oh, that marketing video was scary.
But here are the stats - send Budwig 350 to the 17th, save up 140 for Suffolk, send in 360 to moneybookers. 6-8 weeks.
Get bonuses - 6-8 weeks. 5-8000 pounds.
Start trading - up to 50k a year - 6-8 months.

No Facebook, Imdb/Digg/Digsby/DR/LB/unlisted shit/YouTube (except for music)
1xGmail, GTD
LOTS of calling, GH, inbox, MD

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