Saturday 12 December 2009


Quiz. Fun! Add British pop, politics, geography and history to cultural music studies.
Force Unleashed....physics, story, production design great. Gameplay irritating - too linear, bad camera, not immersive or creative enough. More savvy to what makes a good game.
Uploaded RSD disks.

HEARTFELT music - the spirit creates emotion, emotion creates and connects to sound, sound is produced in the moment without style through improv, completely relaxed, flowing, and at depth.
Spirit dissolves all the layers into each other in the moment, at the core. That's true mastery.

Decided to leave certain people alone until I was happy with myself. Scrap identity and raise standards: empty mind, reaffirm affirmations every hour.

Go deeper. 100% is a whole new game. No thought, no stress, just total relaxation and automatic pilot of the soul.

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