Sunday 20 December 2009


Left foot at 142, right hand near 200 (PUSH IT!)

Friday 18 December 2009


Finished AW. BnC next. All day tomorrow. Kick it.
If you have no idea what you're doing at any time, you've become an actor asleep at the wheel.

Bad night at group. Raise your standards. Immature people aren't worth your time. Find people who you trust and spark with only.
Get out of this house. It's an extremely bad influence.
Hate sucking at plastic guitar. 1 part=clicking and snapping perfect at tempo, and memorized chart.
GRIEF - and being in the heart. Am I being resensitized? Dive in.

Saturday 12 December 2009


Quiz. Fun! Add British pop, politics, geography and history to cultural music studies.
Force Unleashed....physics, story, production design great. Gameplay irritating - too linear, bad camera, not immersive or creative enough. More savvy to what makes a good game.
Uploaded RSD disks.

HEARTFELT music - the spirit creates emotion, emotion creates and connects to sound, sound is produced in the moment without style through improv, completely relaxed, flowing, and at depth.
Spirit dissolves all the layers into each other in the moment, at the core. That's true mastery.

Decided to leave certain people alone until I was happy with myself. Scrap identity and raise standards: empty mind, reaffirm affirmations every hour.

Go deeper. 100% is a whole new game. No thought, no stress, just total relaxation and automatic pilot of the soul.

Wednesday 9 December 2009


Videogame book. Silly WL appointment and letter.

Dead Space/Force Unleashed :D
App+Type/RSD, Finish raw notes and gym routine!!
Tree climbing!

Tomorrow: PO/JSA B2W @13.15/haircut

Simple is good.

Tuesday 8 December 2009


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang / Peep Show series 2 / Mesrine / Corporation. whilst doing hands (198) and feet (130ish - new technique seems to be developing...)

Raw notes are DONE. Took all day. AMAZING book - lessons from miracle doctors. Nail in the coffin for allopath medicine.

That's all for tonight folks. Not much but closure feels so sweet. more to come.

Sunday 6 December 2009


T2 audio commentary - liet motifs, slow mo, camera angles/dynamics/colours, themes/foreshadowing/exposition/timbred/textured sound fx. DAMN - Cameron is an insane director. Stacks, builds, and releases emotions and tension in an exciting, intense, innovative, and sensually involving way and it ALWAYS pays off. This is how movies should be made. Hell, this is how a director should be. Devoting every minute of his life to creating his craft and life to the widest, deepest, and fullest, in EVERY area. Not only is it possible, it's now required in order to get to the next level. So now I have to learn how to draw, how to make movies, AND deal with people on a sharp time frame. That is, if you want to play the game at the absolute top. Judging by results, who wouldn't?

Keep it short, sweet, fun, and honest.

Chord progressions - melody harmonies. Look for books on this subject.
Set all of this to memory as conversation springboarding.
Locking down the variables of a social sport: 1) depth of emotional field and related thought patterns 2) 1 in 15k input recording and inevitable output 3) changing levels of focused concentration from sleep/diet/exercise/general health, 4) individuals and climate in the outside environment.

Saturday 5 December 2009


Morning situps - straight back.
Finally hit the gym again. Go faster. Add Paraliminal at the end (Automatic Pilot?)
Sail, swim, run, bike, climb, parkour, MMA - pents.
Build stamina.
Shopping: tooth soap. Star Trek DVD.

More classical - pop - urban, internet radio - review the Monster.
Eliminate fears - spiders, people behind you, success. Make it the last time - effortless. Build self trust - deal with survival anxiety.
Pavlina posts - fashion sense and social networking (emotional support, activities, fun, networking).

Friday 4 December 2009


Foundations is finally done. Approach is next.

MUSIC! Master Chart Guitar Hero and Rock Band - d/v/g/b. *frozen for now*
KEYS - Master Chart.
DRUMS - Deuterium - a paradigm shifter.
VOX - Alice In Chains, Love Hate Love. Konnokol
GUITAR - Chords and scales etc.
PC - Typing! do whilst reading material. 3 hours of Computeach. THESE ARE THE MAIN PRIORITIES.

Organize my workspace to make it more sensuous.
Family time?
BODY - Eat 6 raw meals in the 30 minute breaks in MPL time.
For fitness - ultimate goal - Sail/swim/run/climb/parkour/MMA - pentathlete?!
EMOTIONAL - Giger/VSnares, sense of opening of purpose after EFT and chakras - change diet too. Make this consistent!
MIND - wipe culture out.
SOCIAL - tomboy.

Thursday 3 December 2009


Type to a metronome (started at 70bpm, moving to 75? beware spaces). Essays-languages-then one letter at a time. Punched the keys. Result? Pure intention. No mistakes. Relaxed. Self trust.

I don't care what I do. I just want to love it.

Feet: 138 on balance exercises. 140...160...watched Aliens too. Fun!

Nearly done with 77 and Foundation. Another 2 billion hours left, but who's counting...:p

Tuesday 1 December 2009


Precious - inspired me to do social work
NLP book - added to routine
Feet - 155 - 160 next

Alive - not boring. Act before you think. Money, an attitude of personal freedom.

Saturday 28 November 2009


MWO. Next stop, AW.

Paranormal Activity - SHIT. very intense. Exciting. Provoked personal growth on some non physical level. Inspires emotional activity. Now listening to Blinded By Blood, that kind of vibe. A space in my personal field that goes down a very deep rabbit hole. Having perhaps faced a degree of personal nihilism I've reaped the rewards and can deal with strength in the dark and alternative ('water, space, fire, dreams, candles, art, smell, sound, memory, waves, Harrods, eid, Giger'). Wonderful place to be. In the absence of self trust...fear is anticipation, excitement, mystery, good fuel.

Left foot - 155. Up to 170. Thoughts of live mixing and bass drum dynamics don't seem far off if I keep this up daily.

In learning some of the ROTM material (House Of Midnight intro) - realised there are plenty of weird fingerings that create avenues of their own. This stuff is going to take 12 hour days for a couple of years, of baby steps and extreme attention to detail on all instruments to master, and the doors that will open (notes here include 'rhythm theory (books like Rhythmic Illusions)', 'vocal styles', 'shifting/arpeggiating/picking chord shapes', 'application, execution and interplay') could lead to even more ideas. Hallways of all ways into infinity. Potent and powerful stuff, absolutely, and given a potent blast of self trust, the door seems to open into my own spirit. I'm very excited. HUGE challenge. If that means adding in RnB multitracked vocals a la Beyonce, FINE. I'll cross that road because there's nothing to hold on to, metal has largely become boring, spirit has been forgotten and the only way back there is to shock people, and life's a ball anyhoo. Love that record anyway.

Success mindset means quitting if you want to. Being able to quit anything if it doesn't satisfy your own soul. That could mean people, any given task, your mindset, even your own mind. If the preoccupation is on ideas and potential patterns, anything is possible and everything is negotiable, it's just about what fits the hole.

If you trust yourself to get it done - you grow at a rate faster than you can imagine. Old wounds are there to be healed and in fact, with attention, create their own healing. Remember - what your hate in another, you hate in yourself, and what is not a part of you doesn't bother you.

Learn more about sales and marketing. The fascinating science of exploiting social assumption and mental backdoors.

Wednesday 18 November 2009



Glossolalia - present in other cultures, and a learned mishmash of nonsense
Transitional fossils - just another sign of creationists trying to back up their emotional insecurities about their origins. Self creation thought compounds in the mind, the emotional component gives it strength and almost MAKES IT REAL, undermining the ability to naturally observe.
ROTM - Impasse. Sweet bippy. I adore it. FINISH MORE TABS.
Guitar Hero 3 - TTFAF Hammer Ons - FCd slower, SLOW 239-256. No anchoring+pulling off+fretting loudly+comfort.
COP Main Solo - 100% slowest, FC SLOWER.
Conversations With God - NOTED - Edited.

People earn what they think they are worth, what they ASK for.
I'm still DEATHLY bored. 100% calls to me.
- Work harder - tighten the screws
- Work smarter - 60-60-30
- Get arbing and then out of the house
- Live your highest vision of yourself and get your heart involved!

Sunday 15 November 2009


2012 - digital art!
Harry Brown - brutal...
Peaceful Warrior - the NOW is all there is.
CWG B2 CD3-4 - Collective consciousness
FEVER - 2 ball juggling
Tickets for London - Railcard


The endless self creation

Monday 9 November 2009



Sunday 8 November 2009


Staff! - more whirls!
Rock Climbing - next week, drills, pullups!


Tuesday 3 November 2009


Thursday 29 October 2009


Doghouse - not bad

ALPHA - fearless, totally positive and joyous, driving routine and tasks.
CV - acquire skills and abilities - Language skills, Loughborough College, more training, research
NLP - interior meaning and self image shifts - deal with beliefs, habits, and self image
PRESENCE - 3rd person perspective
Post Office tomorrow, 7 more down

Thursday 22 October 2009


Oxtail soup and teriyaki salmon!
Computeach started again (bite the bullet)
Working on Rock Band 2 FCs
Posted more records
JSA appointment - actually not too bad
Bath! 4 times a week for detox.

Removing the social mask - to not do so is boring.
WORKLOG NEXT WEEK - diary is on the tray.
Blockbuster tokens?
MMA - aggression channelling
Achievement and fulfilment - dark Tony Stark
Movies - 2001-Braveheart-Dog Day Afternoon-Letters From Iwo Jima - Lock Stock - The Apartment - To Kill A Mockingbird

Tuesday 20 October 2009



First module of Computeach.
Went to see Rich.
Posted 19 records - just before the postal strike.

Capture everything around you - not 95% - 100. Start on the runway and build up. Dig for deeper meaning. Good isn't good enough.
Deal with your world and thusly everyone else's. Nothing's wrong, you're just bored.

PHIL MCDARBY - Graphic artist and photographer extraordinaire!

2 more modules of Computeach
Disc 4 of ADT
CD 1-2 of CWG1
3 more FCs on Rock Band 2!

Wednesday 7 October 2009


Practice yoga/meditation 2 hours daily in detox mode.
Summarize raw foods books and put into SD notes
Fulfillment, fear, the 'cloak' - break out through achievement and punching into spirit with TRUST

Did Youtube videos
Did DVD 3 of ADT

Wednesday 16 September 2009


Rich - immaturity, Baufritz houses!
Chord book - first 4 pages - 60bpm starting point, clear transitions! - 15-17, 16-18
2 hours of meditation - daily
GTD - flow-thoughtprocess-write, workflow, priority, triggers, zero scuzz factor, combining Is
Plan meals - checklists, ingredients
Rescue Dawn, Control, 3-10 to Yuma, 101 Reykavik, Kung Fu Hustle
Wiki summary - total learning!

Dave Logan - Tribal Leadership, Three Laws Of Performance

Tuesday 1 September 2009

August 09

HUNGARY - Balaton, Volleyball, Music, art, jamming, food,!
Loving without guilt
Richard Rohr
YOUR love
Moroccan Tagine
Beeswax candles
Parts integration - jester, manager, adult, indifference
William Bloom
'I'm So Lonesome'...

Routine - Manage - Pure Value/Community/Music/Expression, Growth, Experience, Strength
Wicker Basket
Taste Of Everyone Else
Pat Metheny
Theater - Acting/Dancing/Comedy/Accents/Phonetics/Parts Of Tongue/Body Language
GREENBELT - Age Of Stupid - Possession/Ownership - Sincerity - KAINOS vs neos - flexibility, discernment, grace, CHOICE

Saturday 15 August 2009

up to 16/08/09


Guitar Hero - working on FC'ing hard on 2 and 3.
Trane and LSD - incorporating states of consciousness onto the musical chart (as spirit/awareness, under intention and peak performance)
Becoming aware that the story is just that inside the perceptual mental filter.
First impressions, and seeking beyond them.
Reading 'Good News About Injustice' and 'Irresistible Revolution'. I am inspired to work with the homeless and downtrodden and eliminate EVEN MORE stuff that isn't beautiful or useful.
It's my belief that faith is the ultimate feeling of attraction.
How often do you look at the ceiling? Make it worthwhile.
Alien-esque biomechanical house design!
Zoos are cages for both man AND beast. Houses are our zoos.
Terence McKenna on the IPod. Amazing.
Gojira's To Sirius. The lesson is to take care.
Skanky bitches!
Michelle MacPherson - a great SEO resource.
Rules of great drummers - ears, diversity, responsibility and respect, prompt professional clarity. no showboating. emotion. work ethic.
Card counting. Fascinating.
LUSH cosmetics - superb.
TATTOOS - Coexist - phoenix - mentality collage.
Being your OWN MAN.
Hiding things in plain view.
People want to be understood.
'Orphan', 'Star Wars'.
FINGER OF GOD - the DVD. Remarkable.
Full on DETOX routine, done fully and daily: Gym, diet, physical cleanses, breathing, thoughts, grooming, EFT, bath/massage, sleep.
Personal management - time (worklog), productivity (effectiveness/efficiency), physical organization, location/priority = going greased. Sensuality, lack of friction, adventure, creativity, and flow are the deepest rewards.
Eric Amaranth's blog - terrific.
Personal daily approach - keeping it simple, radical (ie, 'root' driven!), and avoiding mental suckback in the process. The basics are the only things that matter.
Most importantly - finding courage in fear and beauty in weakness. The means to overcome lie within the question.
Personal philosophy - distorted sensory reality, programmed language and self, imminent death, dead ideas from institutions, you're on your own, there are no rules, so this is for glory.
SUCCESS - 10 years action learning. feedback, crosspollination, free contribution, price tag, elevator pitch.

PROBLEMS - Cold, fatigue, posture - headnoise, integration, boredom - illness - debt - fear - libido, passion, and then closing the outside gap
The answers are self evident here!

MUSICAL IDEAS: R2 D2 sounds - improv over Destiny's Child's 'Survivor'. - just listening to more music!!
IMPASSE phrasing. In the solo, the odd times + triplets+ odd rhythmic groupings + high to low + effects/embellishments, over the chord progressions, moving into meaningful emotion, leads to almost a recipe for lyricism (since there's no static landing point). Elaborate on them.

Sunday 19 July 2009


CLOSED LOOPS: Ego-butterfly.
Habits don't evolve - desire does.
Jackson, neglect. Sunset narrative. Metachildren of the 60s. FIRE - fear - PPC breakthroughs.
Running in the rain

Eben IS '08.

Thursday 16 July 2009


Eye clinic
'Chronology of alienation'. Language/emotion - ego separation, question results, birth of separate authority, homeostasis/autopilot
- deprogramming, ACTION, source energy, JOY

Major scales
LF - 140 (to 150!!)


Saturday 20 June 2009


Talk to Chris Hardesty at Open Heaven tomorrow, perhaps Claire re: volunteering down at Emmanuel. This is important.
All the listed items as per usual. Consider changing diet.

Talked to DT re: incapacity. Waiting for a letter.

Watched a waterfall in Nottingham today. For a brief moment I experienced a bliss so great. like scales falling from my eyes. The glory of watching water rise into the air in splendour and falling back down to its source in an eternal cycle. It carved out something indelible in my own experience. It woke up my soul. It dropped my filters and personality for a moment long enough that I could see myself as unbroken observation with the infinite capacity for reinvention. It was worth the trip down just to see my life in the context without language, form, age, creed, religion, belief, even faith. Just unique forms of water merging into one with grace and sublime natural wonder.

It ripped rage and hurt out of me. And disgust, and violence, and murderous power. And all manner of disgusting ooze that spoke villainous lies about me.
No wonder I got ADEM.
For the first time possibly ever, I engaged in a dialogue with my own soul. I did not like what I heard, but a sharp slap around the face beats such grave hurt. To think I had been sabotaging my own intentions so readily is a thought I almost cannot bear, if not for how deep the hurt has carved capacity for endurance and joy in me too, again, almost more than I can bear and far beyond words. But piece by piece, the lies fade. It's an uphill climb. They will come back again, and it's going to be just as hard an uphill climb, and it's going to feel deadened and raw and frayed and deceitful. And I will say this is the power of my mind when programmed, that there is a bug in the OS and I would never choose fear, or self denial, or broken dreams, or limitation of any kind. That the joy that blossoms in me like the flowers I stop to smell on the path home comes from the energy that releases and reveals, and explodes forth with TRUE freedom of choice. I will stand aside as the observer of a mind gone astray and see the useless information. I will carve with a sure hand and mold with gentility. I will feel the diads pushing and pulling of their own accord and not resist.
But this is the path I have chosen, the hardest one, to gain the power to see myself as I truly am. And I've cast aside anything non attendant to that. The loneliness is crushing at times. The denial of spirit still holds tight to my mind. But I made the choice to have the power to choose anew, and it's worth discarding everything to pursue it - because everything else is neither mine nor defines me. It's worth the power of belief at having survived a test of consciousness.
I will only know when I have truly arrived on the path when texture and sensuality wash over my life. When all old wounds have been healed, and all old choices of behaviour are gently set aside with a fond smile and found assertiveness. The hallmark of this spirit is a surrender to truth now known once more.

I must choose the path different from my parents.
I must choose the path different from my own mind.
I must choose the path of my original self.

Monday 15 June 2009


Information to act on to conclusion:

Avoid TV. Always.

Bill Maher's health rant - superb. Bookmarked.

Reich. Orgone Accumulator.
The censored science of the 20th century.

Sunday 19 April 2009

19-04-09 - 3 minutes on Test Instructions - 101 wpm